
Mr. Daponde, Principal          Mrs. Barbato, Assistant Principal
[email protected]              [email protected]           

The students of the Leicester Public Schools will be provided with a learning environment that promotes an appreciation of education, lifelong learning, and the opportunity to reach their potential in an ever-changing world. 

At Leicester Middle School, we are going to work hard to create an inclusive environment in which we incorporate our Core Values of Collaborative Relationships, High Expectations, Inclusiveness, Perseverance, and Self-Reliance along with our Wolverine Attributes that are stated below. We expect our students to set high goals for themselves as we implement a curriculum infused with 21st Century Learning Skills which involves problem solving, creative thinking, collaboration, writing, and speaking. We will continually encourage our students to work hard to achieve their goals and expectations. We will foster an environment in which failure provides an opportunity to learn and grow rather than seen as a negative. 

Our focus is to make Leicester Middle School a safe learning environment that promotes academics, community, and social growth and independence. We will use our Wolverine Attributes to build community and foster a positive and healthy climate in school.  We want to create positive memories here at LMS, uphold current traditions and look to instill new traditions and to make LMS the best middle school we can be.  


Wolverines are relentless!
Towards achievement, standing up for fellow students, and making the right choice.

Wolverines are distinctive!

In our attitudes, actions, expectations, understanding, and empathy.

Wolverines protect their habitat!
Create an environment where all feel safe and comfortable in the hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, and recess.

Wolverines need help!
Seek out teachers, counselors, nurses, paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians, and administrators for help.

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